Occupational Health and Safety

Importance and applicability:

One of your most important responsibilities is to protect your Health and Safety as well as that of your co-workers. This training will address some of your duties under the occupational Health and Safety legislation and help you to make your workplace safer and healthier.

Training objectives and Training Program:

At the end of this training, e-learners should be able to identify the preventive measures, that employers must provide their workers information on aspects relevant to protecting their own safety and health and that of others.

The structure of this course is composed of 8 modules, divided based on the Portuguese Health and Safety Policy.

Target Audience:

All interested


6 hours


E-Learning training.


Throughout the course you will come across three types of assessment:

- Diagnostic assessment (diagnostic test included in Module 0 of each course)​
- Formative/continuous assessment (at the end of each session)
- Summative assessment (final assessment test available after completing 75% of the total course time).
- The final grade of the course will be the result obtained in the final assessment test.


Certification in the course requires staying on the platform for at least 75% of the total course time, passing the final assessment test (minimum 10 points) and completing the training satisfaction questionnaire.
After fulfilling these criteria, trainees will obtain a Professional Training Certificate issued by the SIGO Platform (GEPE – Ministry of Education), as provided for in Ordinance No. 474/2010, of 8 July.

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